An employed expert may change foreign currency monthly or at the end of the contract period, at the exchange rate on the day of change. 受聘专家可按月兑换外汇,在合同结束时一次兑换,按当日的外汇比价兑换。
The minimum insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus ten per cent ( i.e.110%) and shall be provided in the currency of the contract. 最低保险金额应包括合同规定价款另加10%(即110%),并应采用合同货币。
"Contract Currency means the currency in which the payment is made under the Contract, namely____________________." a charge in favor of the Contractor's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract 合同币种:用以支付本合同价款的货币,即。按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为受款人的费用
The currency of payment-preferably a stable one-should be given, as this is an international contract. (用来支付佣金的)币最好是坚挺的货币,因为这是一个国际合约。
We began from the contract of currency recompense. The different kind of contract made different effect on manager behavior. 本文的研究从规定经营者货币报酬的合同开始,货币报酬合同的不同形式对经营者的行为将产生不同的影响。